
The CHED LOGO is a representation of how Philippine Higher Education evolved.

The pyramid represents the ideal three-level, manpower structure of the country, comprising of basic level skills, middle or semi-skilled workers, and high or professional levels of human resource located at the apex of the pyramid and the primary concern of higher education.

The  human silhouette inside the pyramid represents human resources development of every Filipino to become productive citizens of the country.

The rising sun symbolizes the dawning of a new era in higher education with the creation of CHED. With the emergence of CHED, higher education was given the much needed attention and appropriate reforms implemented which jump started the development of higher education as the prime mover in nation-building.

The color triad:  redyellow and  blue correspond to the colors of the Philippine flags as CHED was created to be the main advocate and pillar of nation building.

The year 1994 indicates the year when CHED was created by law. On May 18, 1994, CHED was established through Republic Act No. 7722, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act 1994” The CHED is an Attached.

Matulungin street, Regional Government Center
Maimpis,City of San Fernando, Pampanga
T: (045) 436-1847 | F: (045) 455-1662